Saturday, 6 October 2012

The 10 day challenge - those pesky kids!

Hello all,

Have you noticed how shockingly bad I have been at posting on my blog? It's not from a lack of inspiration let me tell you, it's pure laziness. Anyway, I've set myself a new '10 day' challenge. Each day I am going to present '5 things to do with'...

DAY 1 - '5 Things to do with those pesky kids'

Deciding to invite children at your wedding can be a tricky decision. They can look lovely in pictures (the cute ones at least), but they can make so much noise and it can really impact on the fun for your guests. If you do decide to have children I would thoroughly recommend having a few tricks planned to keep them entertained.

1) My favourite idea is the 'doorway puppet theatre'. These can be puchased online, or are really simple to make. I found this one with instructions on how to make your own DIY version from You could always match the colour of the material to your colour theme.

2) This 'Alphabet Doodle Pad' is a great way to keep kids enterained throughout the service. Each pad comes with 26 tear out sheets so perfect for the ushers to hand out at the same time they're giving out order of services.

3) I-Spy with my little eye, something beginning with 'D!' has created these downloadable templates for 'photo scavenger hunt'. A neat idea for children who are 7-12 years. Don't forget to provide a disposable camera for each child.

4) Keep the kids entertained throughout the speeches with these colouring in tablecloths. It might keep them quiet while the groom has his 5 minutes of glory.

5) The all time favourite party bag! Stock up on the childrens favourite treats and place them all in a party bag. They can even decorate the bags have such a great range to choose from.

Hope these have given you a few tips, and at least you won't hear noise when you're looking at your wedding pics.

Love Mrs Terrence x

Please find the direct links to the images above.

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